
Friday, 3 March 2017

St. Patrick's Intermediate March 6 - 10

Visit by Rand Sukhaita
On Friday, Development and Peace's Rand Sukhaita spoke to students about her time crossing the border from Syria into Turkey.  She also spoke about her management of a Darna Centre in Aleppo which serves the most vulnerable and marginalized groups by offering psycho-social support and vocational training. Students really enjoyed the talk and had many questions at the end of the presentation.

Grade 6 Parent Information Session
On Wednesday we will be holding our Parent Information evening for students currently in grade 6, at 6:00 p.m. in our cafeteria.  Families are encouraged to join us for a presentation regarding programming in grade 7, supports available, and school activities being offered.  Our School Council will also be present to describe their important role in the school and to answer any questions. 

Grade 6 Visits to Our School
This week we welcome our feeder school grade 6 students as they have the opportunity to visit our school in order to witness all the great things going on here at SPI. Tours of the school will be given compliments of our Ambassadors. In addition, students will begin pathway planning via My BluePrint and also complete an art, drama, or music activity.  This is one of the many transition steps we take with our grade 6 students throughout the year.  As we move forward toward September, we encourage any new parents to the school to contact us regarding any questions or the need for additional information.

March Break
Next week is March Break.  I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all in our community, whether travelling or staying here to enjoy all that Ottawa offers, a very restful and restorative break.

Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Cees Artz and can be reached at
Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

Have a great week.
Don Murphy

Upcoming Events
Wednesday, March 22:  St. Patrick Intermediate School Council Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Learning Commons Building 1
Monday, March 27: CSPA presents Special Education and Your Child (see for further information and registration instructions)

(Un message en français suivra)
Hello everyone,
Are your children interested in participating in fun, hands-on engineering and science projects in real university labs?
Do you want to introduce them to the merits of chemistry experiments, dissections, circuitry, 3D printing and/or programming?
Sounds interesting? Then consider one of our camp programs for kids or teens!

Registrations are now open!

Grade: Our programs are offered to students who will have completed Junior Kindergarden up to Grade 11 by summer 2017.

Location: On-campus at the University of Ottawa, 800 King Edward Avenue (SITE building)

*NEW* Off-campus Camps in Barrhaven, Kanata, Orleans, and Pembroke. CLICK HERE for more information.

Hours:  9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (We offer FREE on-campus before and after care during drop-off and pick-up hours from 8 a.m.-9 a.m. and 4 p.m.-5 p.m.)
Schedule: Please visit our website to see our full schedule for the summer.

Cost: $270/week ($220/week for 4-day weeks)

To make changes to your registration, please e-mail or call 613-562-5491; registrations cannot be modified online.
For more information please visit our website.

Bonjour à tous,
Vos enfants souhaitent-ils participer à des projets amusants et pratiques en sciences et en génie, et ce, dans de vrais laboratoires universitaires?
Aimeriez-vous les initier à des expériences de chimie, des dissections, des circuits, à l'impression 3D, et/ou à la programmation information?
Intéressant? Alors considérez l'un de nos nombreux camps pour les enfants et les ados!
La période d'inscription est maintenant ouverte!
Année scolaire: Nos programmes sont offerts aux éléves qui auront terminé la maternelle jusqu'à la 11e année à l'été 2017.
Lieu:  Sur le campus à l'Université d'Ottawa, 800, avenue King Edward (pavillon ÉITI)
*NOUVEAU* Camps hors-campus à Barrhaven, Kanata, Orléans, et Pembroke. CLIQUEZ ICI pour en savoir plus.
Heures: 9h à 16h (service de garde GRATUIT sur le campus de 8h à 9h et de 16h à 17h)
Horaire: Visitez notre site web pour consulter l'horaire complet pour cet été.
Coût: 270 $/semaine (220 $/semaine lors d'une semaine de 4 jours)
Pour modifier votre inscription, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel à ou nous appeler au 613-562-5491; les inscriptions ne peuvent pas être modifiées en ligne.
Pour plus d'informations, visitez notre site web.
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University of Ottawa
161 Louis Pasteur Pvt Room A306
Ottawa, Ontario | K1N 6N5
Tel. 613 562-5491
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