
Sunday, 15 November 2015

St. Patrick's Blog Week of November 16-20

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week

This is Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week across the country in Canada.  While we are constantly engaged in practices that promote well-being among our students, this week provides us with an opportunity to emphasize the importance of being good to one another.  Our activities this week include prayers around the topic, retreats on separate days for both grades, anti-bullying discussions at our Monday Morning Assembly, and our encouraging students to reach out to someone “new” at lunchtime. Students are regularly reminded that it is our expectation that they are happy and comfortable at St. Patrick’s, and if, for some reason, this is not the case, they need to seek out a staff member or use OCSB Connect, an anonymous app to report bullying behaviours. Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week is featured on our Board blog at this address:

There is also anti-bullying information on the OCSB's Facebook page, accessed at:

Remembrance Day Observation

We have a great deal to be proud of following our Remembrance Day observation this past week at school.  We took the time to pray as a school, while we honoured those who had made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives for others.  We thank Captain Matthew Gregg and Mr. Mark Lindsay for speaking to us of their, and their family's, experiences.  


Immunizations take place on November 18 (grade 8) and 19 (grade 7). Please complete the immunization forms which students brought home last week. Once the form is carefully completed, students are to personally hand the form to the public health nurse on the day they are to be immunized.

Grade 7 and 8 Retreat

Pending appropriate weather, our grade 7 retreat takes place this Wednesday and our grade 8 retreat happens on Thursday. This retreat is an important component of this year's School Improvement Plan in which students will be given to opportunity to come together, play, pray, and reflect. Permission forms went home with students last week and are due this coming Monday, November 16. If you require any information on this important activity, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Parent-Teacher Interviews

I would like to thank everyone who came out to attend our parent-teacher interviews, which were held on Thursday. The turnout was excellent and it was great to see parents, teachers, and students working together. A special thank you to our School Council for providing coffee and for our community service providers who put up displays.

Remember, though, that you do not have to wait for formal parent-teacher interview evenings to take place if you have a concern. Teachers can always be contacted directly by phone through the school and will be more than happy to answer any questions parents/guardians may have.

Free Discussion Evening on Wednesday

This Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Frank Ryan Catholic Intermediate School, 120 Chesterton Drive, educator, speaker, and best-selling author Barbara Coloroso will speak on teaching children to act with integrity, civility, and compassion. Child-care will be available. The title of this event is Just Because It's Wrong Doesn't Make It Right: From Toddlers to Teens, Teaching Kids to Think and Act Ethically. Here is the link to register:

Have a great week.

Don Murphy

Coming Up

Saturday, November 14 
CSPA presents How to Help Your Child Succeed in School at St. George School, 9:30-11 a.m.
Monday, November 16
CSPA evening on Restorative Practices at Mother Teresa High School, 7-8 p.m.
Tuesday, November 24
St. Patrick's Intermediate School Council Meeting, 7 p.m., Learning Commons 1

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