St. Patrick's Blog
Week of April 13th, 2015
Easter Mass
The student and staff community at St. Patrick’s celebrated Easter Mass this past Thursday at the school. Father Greg was again gracious with his time in joining us to bring meaning to this very important liturgical point in our faith. We appreciate the help of Mrs. Parker’s 7-04 class in organizing our presentation, assisting with Fr. Greg and proclaiming our readings and intentions. Thanks to Ms. Reilly and our Glee Club who performed the music.
Director’s Forum
Thank you to our parent and guardian community who came out to support the board’s Director’s Forum this past week. The evening began with student presentations around the theme of technology and using this medium to support learning in the classroom. The keynote speaker was Joe Mazza, an experienced educator and communications expert who led an engaging and interactive presentation on improving school and home communication in the digital age. A special thank you to our Resource Teacher Mr. Card who accompanied four of our own students to the event and put together a presentation on software learning in the classroom.
School Cash Online
We are actively encouraging our parent and guardian community to sign up for our School Cash online program. This web-based software allows parents to go online and pay for school excursions, sports wear, student fees etc. Our St. Patrick’s Intermediate school yearbook will be available for purchase online this week, and student fees for our year end trips for grade 7 and 8 students can also be taken care of online. Please visit to register. If you have any questions about the process or are having technical issues, please call 1-866-961-1803 or email for the Parent Help Desk
Proposal for Accommodation Consultation
The St. Patrick’s School Council met this past week to discuss the current proposal by our school board for the accommodation review of the current St. Patrick’s Intermediate school site. We were joined by some school staff, as well as representatives from our elementary school councils as we formulated some questions to be presented at the first consultation meeting with board personnel this coming week. A special thank you to our own school council for putting a great deal of effort into summarizing the situation and presenting it succinctly to our community. Our chairpersons Cees Artz and Sherisse Al Sabeh arranged a great presentation and collated all feedback.
An overview of the proposal can be accessed below, and the first public consultation meeting seeking input on the options available will be April 13th at the St. Pat’s High School Cafeteria (2525 Alta Vista Drive) where board staff will provide information regarding this issue, and receive comments from the community. This feedback will be used as accommodation options are developed. A second public meeting (same location) will be held on May 11th, 2015. I would encourage you to attend the public meetings with your questions, and a reminder that members of the St. Patrick’s Intermediate School Council are always available to address questions you may have. Their contact information is available at the St. Pat’s website (
Parent Presentation: Kids and Drugs
We invite all of our parent community to join us on Tuesday, April 21st @ 7:00pm for an information session on Kids and Drugs. The presentation will be delivered by the Ottawa Police Service and is sponsored by the Catholic School Parents' Association (CSPA). The session is for parents, guardians, friends and family members who are concerned about preventing their children from using alcohol & other drugs. Kids and Drugs is built on known protective factors for substance abuse prevention and strives to improve interactions between kids & parents through improved communication, support, decision making and discipline. Please click on the link below to bring you to an information poster highlighting the event. Click on “register now” to be included. Child care is provided for our parent community.
Have a great week;
Sean Kelly
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