
Tuesday, 22 December 2015

St Patrick's Blog Week of January 4-8

Happy New Year
I would like to take this opportunity to extend a Happy New Year to all of you in our St. Patrick’s community.  I hope that the Christmas holidays provided you with an opportunity to relax and spend some time with family and friends.  All of us at St. Patrick's look forward to working with our stakeholders in 2016.

St. Patrick’s Christmas Hampers
We recognize that our strength as a school community can be seen when we work together with good intentions in mind.  This quality was at the forefront of our Christmas Hamper initiative this December.  All of our grade 7 and 8 classes, as well as staff and members of our School Council, came together to contribute to Christmas packages for those in our community who might not otherwise have food and gifts during the holidays.  The amount of goods contributed was overwhelming.  A big thank you to all who participated in any way they could.

St. Patrick’s Career Fair
On December 16th, all of our grade 7 students had the opportunity to visit our Career Fair, organized by our Student Services Department.  We had community representation from several vocations and agencies including first responders, colleges, and private sector name a few. This initiative gave students an opportunity to ask questions and get additional information on various careers. Thank you so much to those in our community who gave of their time to provide information at the fair.
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IEP Information Night

Do you ever wonder if your child should be on an IEP (Individual Education Plan)?  Is your child on an IEP and you'd like more information on IEP's in general?  Then this night is for you!  On Monday, January 18 at 7 p.m. at St. Pat's Intermediate, the Student Services/Resource staff will be putting on a presentation dealing with IEP's.  All are welcome to attend.

Have a great first week back.

Don Murphy

Coming Up

Wed. Jan. 13:  Staying Connected with Your Child, 6:45-8:45 p.m., Mother Teresa High School

Sat. Jan. 23:  CSPA presents Fostering Positive Self-Esteem, 9:45-11:30 a.m., Frank Ryan Catholic Intermediate School (see for more information and to register)

Tues. Jan. 26:  School Council Meeting at 7 p.m. in Learning Commons 1, St. Pat's Intermediate

Sunday, 13 December 2015

St. Patrick's Blog Week of December 14-18

Merry Christmas!

I would like to take this opportunity to extend a very Merry Christmas and a special holiday season to all of our St. Patrick’s families.  As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we also recognize the additional celebrations of the many faiths that make up our school community.  At this special time of year, we acknowledge the hard work of our students and staff in bringing a comfortable Christmas to many who might otherwise go without.  Our support of the Christmas Hamper program is a practical reminder of the meaning of Advent and Christmas themes.  I hope that each one of you is able to find time to relax and recharge during the holidays.

IEP Information Night

Do you ever wonder if your child should be on an IEP (Individual Education Plan)?  Is your child on an IEP and you'd like more information on IEP's in general?  Then this night is for you!  On Monday, January 18 at 7 p.m. at St. Pat's Intermediate, the Student Services/Resource staff will be putting on a presentation dealing with IEP's.  All are welcome to attend.

Reading Buddies at St. Gemma

Our students who headed over to St. Gemma on Tuesday to read to the grade 2 class had an exceptional experience.  They really enjoyed meeting future St. Pat's students, helping them with their reading skills.  This initiative will continue throughout the school year.

Dress-Down Days

A reminder that there are two dress-down days this week...our regular one on Friday and a special one on Monday to raise money for refugee support.  The dress-down day on Monday is a Board-wide activity.  Both dress-down days cost $2 for EACH day.

Ottawa Public Health Immunization Information

For information on immunization requirements and what to do if you receive a suspension notice from Ottawa Public Health, please access the following link:

Shamrock Fashions for Students

Last year, a group of students and staff collaborated on an entrepreneurial initiative called Shamrock Fashions, in which donated clothing and other items become available for sale at the school.  This Tuesday, at lunch, Shamrock Fashions will be open for those wishing to purchase such items.

Have a great week and a restful Christmas Break.

Don Murphy

Friday, 4 December 2015

St. Patrick's Blog Week of Dec. 7-11

Dental Screening
Dental Screening will take place on Wednesday, December 9 for the following grade 8 classes at the following times:  8-8 (homebase), 8-5 (period 2), and 8-4 (period 3).


Once again this week, two of our grade 8 classes will head over to St. Pat's High School in order to take part in some experiential learning opportunities.  The classes who have gone over thus far have really enjoyed the hands-on learning opportunities as well as experiencing life in a high school setting.

Reading Buddies at St. Gemma
Students in our Reading Buddies program are excited to be heading to St. Gemma this Tuesday afternoon to read to children in the grade two class.  Research has shown that when students read together their literacy skills are enhanced; hence, this project will benefit both our students and those at St. Gemma.  Reading Buddies will continue throughout the school year, taking place every second Tuesday.

Advent Liturgy
Our Advent Liturgy will take place this Wednesday afternoon.  We are looking forward to what promises to be a prayerful and reflective occasion while awaiting the birth of Jesus.

Have a great week.

Don Murphy

Coming Up

Monday, December 14
  • Special Board-Wide Dress-Down Day for Refugee Support

Wednesday, December 16
  • Grade 7 Career Fair

Friday, December 18
  • Dress Down Day for Charity
  • Last Day of Classes prior to Christmas Break

Saturday, 28 November 2015

St. Patrick's Blog Week of November 30-December 4

Eric Walters Visit

Young adult author, Eric Walters, writer of novels such as Trapped in Ice, War of the Eagles, and Innocent, will be visiting us on Monday, November 30.  All of our grade 7's will have the opportunity to hear Eric read as well as share some of his current works.

School Play a Success

Mr. Leury and his team of committed students did a wonderful job of presenting Frankenstein Slept Here.  We had a good turnout of parents/guardians on Monday evening and students had the opportunity to enjoy this production on Monday and Wednesday, in the afternoon.  

Career Fair:  Call for Presenters

If you, or a member of your family, or a friend, would like to present at our Grade 7 Career Fair at the school on Wednesday, December 16 from 8 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., please contact me directly at 613-733-3736 or at

Christmas Hamper Program

Once again this year, Homebases will be assigned a family to collect food and other essential items. In addition to helping families in need, Christmas hampers are a great educational tool to teach our students about poverty and social justice.  Every year we have more families requiring assistance than we have homebases; therefore, groups of staffmembers have also teamed up to collect.  

CSPA Event Thursday, December 10:  Healthy Eating, Healthy Life

Looking for new ideas for healthy school snacks and lunches?  Join us on Dec 10 at St. Patrick's High School, 2525 Alta Vista Drive.  The City of Ottawa Community Food Advisers will share their love of food and knowledge about healthy eating. Come and sample some tasty ideas to try for your children.  Register/acquire more info by accessing the following:

We move into December this week and Advent.  Christmas will be here before we know it!
Have a great week, everyone.

Don Murphy

Coming Up:
Monday, December 7:  
  • Arts Turn-Around Day
Wednesday, December 9:  
  • Grade 8 Dental Screening
  • Advent Liturgy
Wednesday, December 16:
  • Grade 7 Career Fair

Saturday, 21 November 2015

St. Patrick's Blog Week of November 23-27

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
Between November 16th through 20th, we observed Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week at St. Patrick’s.  This is a national initiative around which we were able to integrate our own activities. Throughout the week we shared prayers about strengthening our community and being kind to one another, we had a retreat, we encouraged students sit with someone "new" at lunch and we made anti-bullying and self-awareness buttons.  While these activities took place over the week, the staff at St. Patrick’s is always open to discussions around ensuring that our students are comfortable at school. Please see an administrator or visit our Student Services department if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Grade 7 Retreat

Our grade 7 retreat took place on Wednesday and was a huge success. Students were given the opportunity to play, pray, and reflect. Unfortunately, we had to postpone our grade 8 retreat which was supposed to happen on Thursday. The weather forecasted for Thursday was not good at the time cancellation had to take place in order to be able to retain deposits for buses, lunch, etc. We will make it up to the grade 8's by having a retreat for them in the Spring.

Play Performance
Frankenstein Slept Here is our school play which will perform three times this week: the first will be on Monday, Nov. 23 at 6:30 p.m. for family and friends (admission will be an item of canned food); the second will be for grade 7 students on Monday at 12:30 p.m.; and, the third will be for grade 8 students on Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. We are really looking forward to seeing what Mr. Leury and his team of talented students have put together.

School Council Meeting
A reminder that our monthly School Council Meeting will take place this Tuesday, November 24 at 7 p.m. in our Learning Commons (Library), Building 1. Our School Council is an important aspect of our St. Patrick community. Parents/guardians of students at St. Patrick Intermediate are encouraged and are always welcome to attend these important and informative meetings.

Dress-Down Day
We will be having a dress-down day for charity this coming Friday, November 27 where, for a two-dollar donation, students may wear suitable non-uniform clothing. These dress-down days occur on the last Friday of each month.

Career Fair: Call for Presenters
If you, or a member of your family or a friend, would like to present at our grade 7 Career Fair at the school on Wednesday, December 16 from 8 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., please contact me directly at 613-733-3736 or at

Have a great week.

Don Murphy


Coming Up

Monday, November 23: 
Top Marks' Uniform Exchange @2:30 p.m.

Monday, December 7:  
Arts Turn-around Day

Wednesday, December 9: 
Grade 8 Dental Screening

Wednesday, December 16:  
Grade 7 Career Fair

Sunday, 15 November 2015

St. Patrick's Blog Week of November 16-20

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week

This is Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week across the country in Canada.  While we are constantly engaged in practices that promote well-being among our students, this week provides us with an opportunity to emphasize the importance of being good to one another.  Our activities this week include prayers around the topic, retreats on separate days for both grades, anti-bullying discussions at our Monday Morning Assembly, and our encouraging students to reach out to someone “new” at lunchtime. Students are regularly reminded that it is our expectation that they are happy and comfortable at St. Patrick’s, and if, for some reason, this is not the case, they need to seek out a staff member or use OCSB Connect, an anonymous app to report bullying behaviours. Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week is featured on our Board blog at this address:

There is also anti-bullying information on the OCSB's Facebook page, accessed at:

Remembrance Day Observation

We have a great deal to be proud of following our Remembrance Day observation this past week at school.  We took the time to pray as a school, while we honoured those who had made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives for others.  We thank Captain Matthew Gregg and Mr. Mark Lindsay for speaking to us of their, and their family's, experiences.  


Immunizations take place on November 18 (grade 8) and 19 (grade 7). Please complete the immunization forms which students brought home last week. Once the form is carefully completed, students are to personally hand the form to the public health nurse on the day they are to be immunized.

Grade 7 and 8 Retreat

Pending appropriate weather, our grade 7 retreat takes place this Wednesday and our grade 8 retreat happens on Thursday. This retreat is an important component of this year's School Improvement Plan in which students will be given to opportunity to come together, play, pray, and reflect. Permission forms went home with students last week and are due this coming Monday, November 16. If you require any information on this important activity, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Parent-Teacher Interviews

I would like to thank everyone who came out to attend our parent-teacher interviews, which were held on Thursday. The turnout was excellent and it was great to see parents, teachers, and students working together. A special thank you to our School Council for providing coffee and for our community service providers who put up displays.

Remember, though, that you do not have to wait for formal parent-teacher interview evenings to take place if you have a concern. Teachers can always be contacted directly by phone through the school and will be more than happy to answer any questions parents/guardians may have.

Free Discussion Evening on Wednesday

This Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Frank Ryan Catholic Intermediate School, 120 Chesterton Drive, educator, speaker, and best-selling author Barbara Coloroso will speak on teaching children to act with integrity, civility, and compassion. Child-care will be available. The title of this event is Just Because It's Wrong Doesn't Make It Right: From Toddlers to Teens, Teaching Kids to Think and Act Ethically. Here is the link to register:

Have a great week.

Don Murphy

Coming Up

Saturday, November 14 
CSPA presents How to Help Your Child Succeed in School at St. George School, 9:30-11 a.m.
Monday, November 16
CSPA evening on Restorative Practices at Mother Teresa High School, 7-8 p.m.
Tuesday, November 24
St. Patrick's Intermediate School Council Meeting, 7 p.m., Learning Commons 1

Saturday, 7 November 2015

St. Patrick's Blog Week of November 9-13

Experiential Learning Visit
On Monday I had the pleasure of visiting Versailles Hair on Bank Street for an experiential learning opportunity. Students were given an outline of the program and then had the opportunity to have their hair done. Thank you to our Head of Student Services, Ms. Paniccia, for organizing this fun and informative visit.

Remembrance Day
On Wednesday we will have our Remembrance Day assembly. It will begin at 9:30 a.m. and last approximately 1.5 hours. All are welcome to attend this important tribute acknowledging those who have done so much for us.

Immunizations take place on November 18 (grade 8) and 19 (grade 7). Please be on the lookout for the immunization forms which students will bring home this week. Once the form is carefully completed, students are to personally hand the form to the public health nurse on the day they are to be immunized.

Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parent-Teacher Interviews take place this Thursday, November 12 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and then from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Yellow interview request sheets went home with report cards on Thursday, November 5. Use of the sheet, as explained in my earlier mass phonemessage and e-mail, is the ONLY format permitted to request an interview with a teacher. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Important: Early Dismissal on Thursday
Please remember that we dismiss at 1:10 p.m. this Thursday, November 12 in order to accommodate parent-teacher interviews.

Grade 9 Math Pathway Meeting
Are you wondering which grade 9 math pathway your grade 8 son/daughter should choose? A team from the Mathematics Department at St. Pat's High School will be at our school at 4 p.m. on Thursday, November 12 to give a presentation which will help parents and students make the right choice. The presentation will last approximately 30 to 45 minutes and will take place in Learning Commons 1.

WE Day 2015
On Tuesday, a group of students and teachers will be heading to the Canadian Tire Centre to celebrate WE Day 2015. Essentially, this is a day where young people come together to celebrate as well as hear talks on transforming communities and lives. More information on this important day can be found by accessing the following link:

Have a great week.

Don Murphy

Coming Up

Monday, November 9 
CSPA evening on preventing depression and anxiety at Holy Trinity High School, 7-9 p.m.

Saturday, November 14 
CSPA presents How to Help Your Child Succeed in School at St. George School, 9:30-11 a.m.

Monday, November 16
CSPA evening on Restorative Practices at Mother Teresa High School, 7-8 p.m.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

St. Patrick's Blog Week of November 2-November 6

Progress Report Cards
Student progress reports will go home this Thursday, November 5th.  These report cards provide an indication of how students are progressing in each of their subject areas.  In most cases, there is an indication that students are progressing well, or very well.  In cases where students are progressing with difficulty, teachers have indicated a next-step for success.  At the school, we meet as an administrative and student services team to review any students that are having some difficulty.

After-School Academic Support
As part of our Student Success plan at St. Patrick’s, we are offering a number of options for after-school support.  These programs range from informal homework assistance to numeracy/literacy incentives.  Parents/guardians may have already been contacted about their son/daughter participating in an after-school course.  If you have any questions, please contact the school.  

Quebec City Trip Information Session on Tuesday
Once again this year, a trip to Quebec City is being planned for grade 8 students, to take place from April 27, 2016 to April 29, 2016. This trip is the perfect opportunity for both Immersion and Core French students to practice their French speaking skills in an authentic environment. This trip is limited to 50 students. An information session will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015, in the Cafeteria, starting at 5:30 p.m.

Have a great week!

Don Murphy

Coming Up

Wednesday, November 4: 
A Parent's Guide to Special Education, 7-9 p.m., OCSB Boardroom, 570 West Hunt Club

Thursday, November 11: 
Parent-Teacher Interviews