
Sunday, 4 May 2014

St. Patrick's Blog Week of May 5th 2014 - CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK

St. Patrick's Blog
Week of May 5th 2014

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Catholic Education Week
Catholic Education Week takes place from May 5th to 9th in all of our Catholic schools in Ontario.  Our Board theme for this occasion is Serving in the Love of Christ.  This week provides us with an opportunity to open our doors to our community and invite them to share in some of the activities that make St. Patrick’s Intermediate a unique learning environment.  There are a number of things planned for the students and staff at the school this week including our traditional International Lunch and Culture show on Tuesday.  We have some Science classes that are contributing to the Clean up the Capital campaign throughout the week, and our grade 8’s will be making an informative trip to St. Pat’s high school in the journey of preparation for next year.  Our parent/guardian community is welcome to join us for the following activities:  

At St. Patrick’s Intermediate:
Wednesday, May 7th: Province-wide Mass being celebrated at our school with Fr. Greg
Thursday, May 8th:
  • 2:30 to 4:30 - classroom based displays and information at the school
  • 4:30 to 6:00 - join us outside the cafeteria for a BBQ (proceeds to support school teams)
  • 6:00 to 7:15 - join us in the new auditorium adjacent to our school for a dance and music presentation
While we are always proud of our approach at St. Pat’s, this week provides us with an opportunity to share our successes with our community.  Please make a point of joining us for some of these activities!

For a detailed listing of all of the Education Week activities in the Board, please click on the following link:

School Council News:
Our School Council has been busy with a number of projects so far this year.  Currently we are looking at funding support decisions around school activities toward the end of the year.  We traditionally count on the support of School Council for our Grade 8 Closing Ceremony.  Please join us for some relaxed discussion about the activities happening at your son/daughter’s school - we meet this Monday, May 5th at 7:00 in the learning commons (enter at front door).

Quebec City Trip:
A number of our French Immersion students took part in a trip to Quebec City this past week.  Accompanied by our Vice-Principal Ms. Burgoyne, Ms. Baril and Mr. Kennedy, the students explored the culture and language of this unique setting.  Students combined learning activities with some informal time to assist in developing their French Language.  A great time was had by all!
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Shamrock Basketball Tournament:
Our boys basketball tournament was held this past Friday and Saturday at the school with a number of local schools taking part.  The St. Patrick’s boys did a great job getting to the finals, however, we were unable to triumph over a very tight Henry Munro team.  While the final score was close, the Shamrock boys came away with Silver Medals.  Congratulations to the boys on a great season.  The boys would like to say thank you to Coach McKinnon for a great run, and special thanks to Mr. Card and his family for organizing the tournament over the weekend.

Adobe Computer Celebration:
Ms. Sweeney brought a number of students to our Adobe Software Celebration of student product this past Friday.  Students were able to see the images and videos produced by students from around the region that promoted specific themes.  Ms. Sweeney indicated that our students spoke very eloquently about their work, and the creative process.

Senior Community Project:
Some of Ms. Sweeney’s classes have been participating in a joint project with 2 different partners.  The students have worked with seniors at the local Billings Lodge to produce a media project that includes videos, as well as a giant art mural that will be shared by the Lodge and St. Patrick’s Intermediate.  Our students have also been sharing their thoughts and ideas regarding working with seniors with a school in Oaxaca Mexico.  A great deal of effort went into the project, and likewise, a great deal of learning came out.  Thank you to the students for their dedication to this activity, and a special thanks to Ms. Sweeney for her continued creative vision.
See the video culmination here:

Again, please join us for our Catholic Education Week activities at the school this week, and we look forward to sharing stories and pictures from the events shortly.

Have a great week!
Sean Kelly

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