
Sunday, 8 September 2013

St. Patrick’s Blog
Week of September 9th, 2013

               I would like to thank our students and staff for making our first week at St. Patrick’s Intermediate run very efficiently!  We offered our students a number of orientation activities, beginning with grade level assemblies on the second day of school, as well as a full morning “Boot Camp” later in the week.  Our Boot Camp highlighted expectations around student Respect and Responsibility, Community Resources, Technology and Learning and basic Routines and Procedures.  Our students responded well to the sessions, and it is encouraging to have everyone beginning at the same level of understanding. 
               We have had the pleasure of welcoming a number of new students to both grades 7 & 8 who have registered over the past week.  We have individuals moving to St. Pat’s from various regions around Ottawa, from different provinces, as well as countries as far away as the continent of Africa.  We hope we are helping to make this transition successful.
               In addition to our teaching and educational assistant staff, there are a number of other support personnel that contribute to the success of our St. Pat’s Community. 

Paul Kozak (Chaplaincy Leader)
Lorraine Cook (Library Tech)

Student Services
Milena Paniccia (Guidance, Destination/Employability)
Chris Card (Resource)
Karen Pelisek (Resource, Student Success)
Chris Jackson (Resource, Inclusion Coordinator)
Michele Becker (Lifeskills)
Kate Hamilton (Literacy Learning Partner)

Shawn Mcdonald (Board Social Worker)
Office Administrators
Marcia Clarke (Staff considerations)
Barbara Foley (Student considerations)
Custodial Staff
Marcel Massey
Sue Masson
Pang Tang
George Martin

Debbie Parkes

Please do not hesitate to contact any of the above individuals if you have questions.  In addition to the support personnel at the school, we have a strong liaison with individuals at the board level.  Our Family of Schools Trustee and Superintendent are listed below:

Mark Mullan (Chairperson of the Ottawa Catholic School Board) (613-841-4836)
Thomas D’Amico, Superintendent of Human Resources (613-224-4455, ext. 2402)

In addition to the contact information above, we would encourage students, parents and guardians to get additional school news through the following media (links on the blog sidebar):

School webpage:
Twitter: @stpatsint

               We are looking forward to hosting our Meet the Teacher evening on September 19th, from 6:00 to 8:00.  We will begin the evening with a presentation in the cafeteria, followed by an opportunity to converse with your son/daughter’s teachers.  Please bring some funds to support our silent auction that evening in support of our Terry Fox Run!

               Top Marks will be in the school on September 10th and September 24th from 11:00am to 1:00pm to exchange uniforms at the school.  Please come to the main office on either day.

               I would like to direct you to the news portion of our website which contains an overview of our Student Intramural challenge as well as additional information regarding the role of our Multicultural Liaison Officer. 

Have a great week.

Sean Kelly

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