
Friday, 22 June 2018

St. Patrick's Intermediate Blog June 25 to 29

Excursion to Calypso
On Friday our grade 7's went to the water park at Calypso and our grade 8's will go on Monday.  The 7's had a good time and I'm sure the 8's will as well. Thanks so much to staff for organizing both events and for supervising.  

Grade 8 Closing Ceremonies
Grade 8 closing ceremonies will take place on Tuesday, June 26 at Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica at 1:30 p.m. Students will need to be driven from the school on Tuesday to Notre Dame by a parent/guardian. We ask that students and family members arrive no earlier than 1 p.m. because there is a noon mass at Notre Dame and we will not be permitted to enter until mass is finished. There will be a reception at the school in the cafeteria at the conclusion of the closing ceremonies.

Just a reminder that our school cafeteria is now closed for the school year; hence, students will not be able to purchase lunch from the servery.

New Transportation Information for SPH
If your son/daughter is going to be going to St. Pat's High School in the fall and is going to be bussed, please be aware that they will be receiving Presto cards as they will travel on OC Transpo (even for grades 7/8), NOT yellow school buses. Also, please be aware that receiving transportation currently at St. Pat's Intermediate does not guarantee that you will receive transportation to St. Pat's High School (because you may live close enough to St. Pat's High School). To see if you will receive a Presto card and transportation, please study the following map (if you live within the boundaries outlined you will NOT receive transportation):

School Excursions to Calypso Water Park
As stated, Our grade 7's went to Calypso Water park on Friday, June 22 and our 8's will be going on Monday, June 25.  For all safety-related and other information (eg. the swim test) regarding Calypso, please access the following links:

Community Service Hours
Grade 8's can start collecting the high school diploma required 40 community service hours the summer before going into grade 9. If your son/daughter acquires hours this summer, this link will allow you to access the form which needs to be completed and signed:

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions.  You can visit the website here.

Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Stephanie Anderton and can be reached at

Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

As this is my final blog for the year and as principal of St. Patrick's Intermediate, I would like to take this opportunity to thank St. Patrick's students, staff, and parent community for the support and commitment that they have shown over these past three years. A special thank you to our School Council for the support that they have demonstrated. I wish everyone a restful and relaxing summer and a smooth merger to St. Patrick's High School in the fall.

Don Murphy

Upcoming Events (not listed above):

Jim Durrell Recreation Centre
1265 Walkley Road
(By Appointment Only)

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Appointments are made
by calling the
Ottawa Public Health
Information Centre
Note: There is a 15 minute waiting period after receiving  vaccination.



Centre récréatif Jim-Durrell
1265 Walkley Road
(par rendez-vous seulement)

Mardi, le 26 juin, 2018

Pour vous inscrire

à une clinique de rattrapage,

vous devez appeler

le centre info-santé publique Ottawa, au 613-580-6744

        Remarque : Il y a une période d’attente de 15 minutes après la vaccination.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

St. Patrick's Intermediate Blog June 18 to 22

New Transportation Information for SPH
If your son/daughter is going to be going to St. Pat's High School in the fall and is going to be bussed, please be aware that they will be receiving Presto cards as they will travel on OC Transpo (even for grades 7/8), NOT yellow school buses. Also, please be aware that receiving transportation currently at St. Pat's Intermediate does not guarantee that you will receive transportation to St. Pat's High School (because you may live close enough to St. Pat's High School). To see if you will receive a Presto card and transportation, please study the following map (if you live within the boundaries outlined you will NOT receive transportation):

School Excursions to Calypso Water Park
Our grade 7's are going to Calypso Water Park on Friday, June 22.  Our 8's are going on Monday, June 25.  For all safety-related and other information (eg. the swim test) regarding Calypso, please access the following links:

Community Service Hours
Grade 8's can start collecting the high school diploma required 40 community service hours the summer before going into grade 9. If your son/daughter acquires hours this summer, this link will allow you to access the form which needs to be completed and signed:

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions.  You can visit the website here.

Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Stephanie Anderton and can be reached at

Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

Have a great week.

Don Murphy

Upcoming Events (not listed above):

Friday, 8 June 2018

St. Patrick's Intermediate Blog June 11 to 15

St. Pat's Intermediate at SPH Spring Concert
Our Jazz Band, Concert Band, and Glee Club performed at St. Pat's High School this past Wednesday evening for the annual St. Pat's High Spring Concert.  As usual, Ms. Reilly and her students did an amazing job.  Thanks to Cees Artz, former Chair of our St. Pat's Intermediae School Council, for the great photos!

New Transportation Information for SPH
If your son/daughter is going to be going to St. Pat's High School in the fall and is going to be bussed, please be aware that they will be receiving Presto cards as they will travel on OC Transpo (even for grades 7/8), NOT yellow school buses. Also, please be aware that receiving transportation currently at St. Pat's Intermediate does not guarantee that you will receive transportation to St. Pat's High School (because you may live close enough to St. Pat's High School). To see if you will receive a Presto card and transportation, please study the following map (if you live withig the boundaries outlined you will NOT receive transportation):

School Excursions to Calypso Water Park
Our grade 7's are going to Calypso Water Park on Friday, June 22.  Our 8's are supposed to go on Monday, June 25 if interest picks up.  For all safety-related and other information (eg. the swim test) regarding Calypso, please access the following links:

Community Service Hours
Grade 8's can start collecting the high school diploma required 40 community service hours the summer before going into grade 9. If your son/daughter acquires hours this summer, this link will allow you to access the form which needs to be completed and signed:

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions.  You can visit the website here.

Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Stephanie Anderton and can be reached at

Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

Have a great week.

Don Murphy

Upcoming Events (not listed above):

Friday, 1 June 2018

St. Patrick's Intermediate Blog June 4 to June 8

New Transportation Information for SPH
If your son/daughter is going to be going to St. Pat's High School in the fall and is going to be bussed, please be aware that they will be receiving Presto cards as they will travel on OC Transpo (even for grades 7/8), NOT yellow school buses. Also, please be aware that receiving transportation currently at St. Pat's Intermediate does not guarantee that you will receive transportation to St. Pat's High School (because you may live close enough to St. Pat's High School). To see if you will receive a Presto card and transportation, please study the following map (if you live withig the boundaries outlined you will NOT receive transportation):

PD Day on Friday
A reminder that this Friday (June 8) is a PD Day in all OCSB schools; therefore, there is no school for students.

There is a great deal of information on the CSPA website regarding information for parents and upcoming sessions.  You can visit the website here.

Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Stephanie Anderton and can be reached at

Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

Have a great week.

Don Murphy

Upcoming Events (not listed above):