
Friday, 23 June 2017

St. Patrick's Intermediate Blog June 26 to 30

PowWow on Parliament Hill
To celebrate National Aboriginal Day (now re-named to National Indigenous Peoples Day), a number of students went to Parliament Hill to take part in a PowWow and other activities.  I spoke to students at the end of the day and many explained to me that they had an amazing time and learned a lot.  This is something we will definitely look at repeating next year.

Excursion to Calypso and La Ronde
On Friday our grade 7's went to the water park at Calypso and our grade 8's went to La Ronde in Montreal.  Everyone arrived back home safely and all had a good time.  Thanks so much to staff for organizing both events and for supervising.  
Grade 8 Closing Ceremonies
Grade 8 closing ceremonies will take place on Tuesday, June 27 at Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica at 1:30 p.m. Grade 8 students have already been given tickets for the celebration. Students will need to be driven from the school on Tuesday to Notre Dame by a parent/guardian. We ask that students and family members arrive no earlier than 1 p.m. because there is a noon mass at Notre Dame and we will not be permitted to enter until mass is finished. When the doors to Notre Dame open, students should go to their assigned seating area according to their homebase. Parents and guardians will be seated immediately behind the student area. After the ceremony, students and family members are invited back to the school for a reception.

Grade 7 Awards Ceremony
On Tuesday, June 27, our grade 7 students will be recognized for their academic achievements at our Grade 7 Awards Ceremony at 9:15 a.m. Parents/guardians will be notified if their child will be receiving an award.

Just a reminder that our school cafeteria is now closed for the school year; hence, students will not be able to purchase lunch from the servery.

2017-18 Student Transportation Information
Route information will be available to parents as of August 20, 2017. Student Transportation Information can be found using the “Stop Finder” located on the website which will link to the “BusPlanner - Parent Portal”. Parents are asked to enter the student’s last name, birthdate, school and grade in order to access route and stop information.

Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Cees Artz and can be reached at

Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

As this is my final blog until the new school year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank St. Patrick's students, staff, and parent community for the support and commitment that they have shown this year. A special thank you to our School Council for the support that they have demonstrated. I look forward to welcoming our new and returning students in September. I wish everyone a restful and relaxing summer.

Don Murphy

Friday, 16 June 2017

St. Patrick's Intermediate Blog June 19-23

School Trips this week
Grade 7 Calypso Trip: Our grade 7 students will be travelling to Calypso water park on Friday as part of our year-end celebrations.  Students will be organized into groups based on a swim test at the park.  A reminder to parents and guardians that students will return from the water park at 4:45 to the school. Students must be picked up at this time.

Grade 8 La Ronde Trip: This trip is an end-of-year celebration for the grade 8 students at St. Patrick’s Intermediate and will proceed rain or shine this Friday as well.  Students participating in the field trip will travel by bus to the amusement park.  They will depart from the school at 8:00 am and return at 8:00 pm.  Students must arrange to be picked up from school at 8:00pm by a parent or guardian.

YMCA Trip on Friday
A number of our students, including Stand Up Award winners, travelled to the YMCA camp in Dunrobin for activities and leadership skill training. The weather could have been a bit better but, despite this, everyone had a wonderful time. Special thanks to Ms. Corriveau for organizing this.

Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Cees Artz and can be reached at

Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

Have a great week.

Don Murphy

Friday, 9 June 2017

St. Patrick's Intermediate Blog June 12-16

2017-18 Student Transportation Information
Route information will be available to parents as of August 20, 2017. Student Transportation Information can be found using the “Stop Finder” located on the website which will link to the “BusPlanner - Parent Portal”. Parents are asked to enter the student’s last name, birthdate, school and grade in order to access route and stop information.

Transportation Information During the Fall
We would ask parents to advise St. Patrick’s Intermediate directly of any changes to student home or caregiver address.  OSTA will require a minimum of three business days to implement a change to transportation services.

Bus Riders with Life-Threatening Medical Conditions
Please be reminded that three copies of the Life-threatening Medical Condition Emergency Transportation form must be submitted to OSTA by September 30 of each year for all students who may require the emergency administration of epinephrine auto-injectors or other emergency medical attention during transportation to or from school. These forms will be processed and sent to the school bus driver. Please do not give these forms directly to the school bus driver.

A number of our students, including Stand Up Award winners, will be travelling to the YMCA camp in Dunrobin for activities and leadership skill training on Friday, June 16th.  This is an on-going tradition at St. Patrick’s where students work in small groups to accomplish various activities and tasks.

Important Contacts
Our School Council chair is Cees Artz and can be reached at

Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

Have a great week.
Don Murphy

Friday, 2 June 2017

St. Patrick's Intermediate June 5 to June 9

Yearbooks on Sale
A reminder that yearbooks are on sale until Friday, June 16.  Cash is no longer accepted but you can still use School Cash Online to pay the $20 cost.

Visit to St. Patrick's High School
On Tuesday all of our grade 8's went over to St. Pat's High School to get a taste of all the good things going on there.  Students could ask questions, discuss various pathways, and they were able to see the site.  We are very appreciative of the warm welcome we always receive from our high school Shamrocks.

Professional Development Day on Friday
A reminder that Friday, June 9 is a professional development day for staff in Ottawa Catholic School Board schools, meaning that there is NO school for students.

Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Cees Artz and can be reached at

Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

Have a great week.
Don Murphy