
Friday, 28 April 2017

St. Patrick's Intermediate May 1-5 (Catholic Education Week)

Brain Health Forum May 3
On Wednesday, May 3, St. Patrick's High School and St. Patrick's Intermediate School are hosting a Brain Health Forum, funded by Ontario's Ministry of Education.

This event will take place at St. Patrick's High School (2525 Alta Vista Drive...corner of Alta Vista Dr. and Heron Rd.) at 6 p.m.  There will be information booths from several Ottawa-area organizations focussing on the symptoms and preventative techniques associated with brain-health related issues.

Present, as well, will be guest speakers from the Brain Injury Association of the Ottawa Valley and Epilepsy Ottawa.  

Complimentary childcare will be provided.  We hope you can join us! To register, please access this link:

Open House May 4
Parents, students, and guardians are reminded of our Open House taking place at St. Pat's Intermediate from 3 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. on Thursday, May 4.  From 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the cafeteria there will be displays, information from public health, School Council personnel, computers to complete School Climate surveys, and much more. From 4 to 5:15 p.m. there will be a BBQ where tickets can be purchased for hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks.  And, finally, from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. there will be a music showcase.  Hope to see you there!

Poetree Planting
As part of Canada's 150th, schools have been submitting poems for a poetry contest. In honour of this, various "poetrees" are going to be displayed at Ottawa Public Library branches around the city, one of which was made by our very own Joan Sweeney.

At the Alta Vista Branch of the Ottawa Public Library (across from St. Pat's High School) our tree from St. Pat's Intermediate was "planted" on Wednesday. 
Mr. Mark Dalipaj's class was present as well as some students from St. Pat's High School.  It's a real honour to have one of our trees on display at our community library.

St. Patrick’s French Excursion to Quebec City
We welcome our students and staff back from their Quebec City trip this past week. They arrive Saturday evening. The group was involved in a French language and cultural experience that included a visit to Sainte Anne de Beaupre Basilica, a guided sightseeing tour of the city, and an exploration of the history surrounding the Plains of Abraham.  There was also a little time for shopping and, I hear, some great meals! Thank you to our parent community for supporting this activity.

Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Cees Artz and can be reached at

Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

Have a great week.
Don Murphy

Upcoming Events
Wednesday, May 31: School Council Meeting @7 p.m. in Learning Commons 1

Friday, 21 April 2017

St. Pat's Intermediate April 24 to 28

Parent School Climate Information Survey
Every two years the Ministry of Education requires that schools conduct a School Climate Survey where we ask students, staff, and families to provide their input on the environment in our school.  In Catholic schools, our Catholic teaching on the dignity of the human person is the starting point for all issues of diversity. Catholic schools strive to create an environment where all members of the school community feel safe, welcomed, included, and valued.  

We need your voice in that we ask for your input as we continue to build positive school climates.  We encourage you to take 10 minutes to complete our survey and ask each family to complete only one survey.  Please note that this is the same survey sent by e-mail last week.  Please click on this link for the parent survey:

All students in grades 4-12 will complete a similar survey at school.  The student survey measures safety, bullying, equity, inclusivity, and student well-being. Our school staff will also complete a survey.  

The surveys will help in-school teams determine school needs, make decisions on improving the climate of our school, as well as help to determine whether programs are effective at improving the school climate.

The survey will be available for completion until May 5, 2017.

St. Pat's Intermediate Administration Change
Following the meeting with Trustees last week, there were a number of changes to administration teams across the Board.  These changes did have an impact on St. Pat's Intermediate as we are losing our vice-principal, Ms. Kristine Burgoyne, to St. Mark High School.  Ms. Burgoyne has been an important member and contributor to our community and we will miss her very much.  I wish Ms. Burgoyne much success as she heads to Manotick.  

Taking Ms. Burgoyne's place will be Mr. Marc Paradis, currently a department head at St. Pius X High School.  I look forward to working with Mr. Paradis in the coming year.

Feeder School Concerts
Our school band went to all of the feeder schools this week to perform for students there.  This provided us with an excellent opportunity to promote our music program at our school. Feedback from the schools was nothing but positive.  A big thank you to our music teacher, Ms. Reilly, for putting this endeavour together.

Open House May 4
Parents, students, and guardians are reminded of our Open House taking place at St. Pat's Intermediate from 3 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. on Thursday, May 4.  From 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the cafeteria there will be displays, information from public health, School Council personnel, computers to complete School Climate surveys, and much more.  From 4 to 5:15 p.m. there will be a BBQ where tickets can be purchased for hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks.  And, finally, from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. there will be a music showcase.  Hope to see you there!

Brain Health Forum
On Wednesday, May 3, St. Patrick's High School and St. Patrick's Intermediate School are hosting a Brain Health Forum, funded by Ontario's Ministry of Education.

This event will take place at St. Patrick's High School (2525 Alta Vista Drive...corner of Alta Vista Dr. and Heron Rd.) at 6 p.m.  There will be information booths from several Ottawa-area organizations focussing on the symptoms and preventative techniques associated with brain-health related issues.

Present, as well, will be guest speakers from the Brain Injury Association of the Ottawa Valley and Epilepsy Ottawa.  

Complimentary childcare will be provided.  We hope you can join us! To register, please access this link:

Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Cees Artz and can be reached at

Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

Have a great week.
Don Murphy
Upcoming Events

Wednesday April 26: St. Patrick Intermediate School Council Meeting at 7 p.m. in Learning Commons 1.

Thursday, April 27: CSPA presents Recognizing and Supporting Mental Health Needs at Immaculata High School (see for further information)

Wednesday, May 3: Brain Health Forum at St. Patrick's High School (see above for information)

Thursday, May 4: St. Patrick's Intermediate Catholic Education Week Open House, 3 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

St. Patrick's Intermediate April 17-21

Jesus is Risen
The image of the empty tomb is a strong symbol for Jesus' commitment to His mission here on earth.  It became a symbol of shame for those who had persecuted Jesus, for they were left with the undeniable truth of His consistent message.  Jesus' followers, who all seemed to be at various points of belief, were rewarded by the discovery of His empty tomb on Easter morning.  The stories and prophecies He had preached had all come true.  

As we journey through the season of Easter, may our abilities, talents, and relationships be strengthened by the example of Jesus.

Brain Health Forum
On Wednesday, May 3, St. Patrick's High School and St. Patrick's Intermediate School are hosting a Brain Health Forum, funded by Ontario's Ministry of Education.

This event will take place at St. Patrick's High School (2525 Alta Vista Drive...corner of Alta Vista Dr. and Heron Rd.) at 6 p.m.  There will be information booths from several Ottawa-area organizations focussing on the symptoms and preventative techniques associated with brain-health related issues.

Present, as well, will be guest speakers from the Brain Injury Association of the Ottawa Valley and Epilepsy Ottawa.  

Complimentary childcare will be provided.  We hope you can join us! To register, please access this link:

St. Brigid's Summer Camp
St. Brigid's summer camp registration takes place on Saturday, April 22 from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at St. John the Apostle Church, 2340 Baseline Road.  To learn more about St. Brigid's summer camp please access:

Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Cees Artz and can be reached at

Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

Have a great week.
Don Murphy
Upcoming Events
Thursday, April 20: CSPA presents Supporting Big Emotions (see for further information and registration instructions)

Wednesday April 26: St. Patrick Intermediate School Council Meeting at 7 p.m. in Learning Commons 1.

Thursday, April 27: CSPA presents Recognizing and Supporting Mental Health Needs at Immaculata High School (see for further information)

Wednesday, May 3: Brain Health Forum at St. Patrick's High School (see above for information)

Thursday, May 4: St. Patrick's Intermediate Catholic Education Week Open House, 3 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.

Friday, 7 April 2017

St. Patrick's Intermediate April 10-14

This week marks Holy Week in the Roman Catholic Liturgical Calendar. Following weeks of personal reflection through Lent, we are asked to consider the importance of Jesus Christ’s ultimate sacrifice to free us from the bonds of sin. While this is a Christian belief, we have spent much time these last 40 days drawing parallels to the inner reflection encouraged by multiple faiths. Reviewing our spiritual direction and setting personal goals for ourselves relates directly to what we are working on academically as well.  The steps to strengthening our faith are similar to those that clarify our academic direction. To be able to draw connections between our spiritual and personal development and our academic growth is one of the gifts of an education in the Catholic system.  I wish all of our families peace as you journey through this solemn period.

Shamrock Basketball
Unfortunately, this week marked the end of the road for both the boys' and girls' basketball teams. The girls lost a hard-fought game against Sacred Heart on Wednesday and the boys lost an equally tough match against St. Peter on Thursday. We are so proud of how both teams made it to the semi-finals this year and look forward to going even further next year.

Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Cees Artz and can be reached at
Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at

Have a great week.
Don Murphy
Upcoming Events
Thursday, April 20: CSPA presents Supporting Big Emotions (see for further information and registration instructions)

Wednesday April 26: St. Patrick Intermediate School Council Meeting at 7 p.m. in Learning Commons 1.

Thursday, April 27: CSPA presents Recognizing and Supporting Mental Health Needs at Immaculata High School (see for further information)