On Thursday at St. Pat's High we celebrated our Arts Night, with musical performances by our St. Pat's Intermediate Concert Band and Jazz Band as well as a play performance, Comic Book Artist, by our drama students. Special thanks goes out to teachers Mary Reilly and Gabe Leury for an extremely successful and entertaining evening.
Grade 8 Retreat
This Monday our grade 8 Retreat will take place. This is a result of us having to cancel our planned date in the fall due to poor weather conditions. The grade 7's had an extremely successful retreat experience in the fall and I am sure the 8's will as well on Monday.
School Innovation Planning for student achievement and wellness (SIPsaw)
A group of staff from St. Patrick’s participated in the Board’s SIPsaw planning date this past week. This is an opportunity to set academic and student wellness goals for our 2016-2017 school year. The team focused on initiatives in the areas of faith development, literacy, numeracy and diversity. Our school is proud of our goal work this year and we look forward to the initiatives for focus next year.
May 31 School Council Meeting
A special School Council Meeting will be held on May 31 from 7-9 p.m. in Learning Commons 1. Members from our Board will be present to explain and answer questions about our joining of St. Pat's High School in September, 2018. Families and School Council members from our feeder schools have been formally invited as this year's current grade 4's will enter grade 7 in a newly constructed structure on the site of St. Pat's High School. These certainly are interesting and exciting times for both St. Pat's Intermediate and St. Pat's High School.
Important Contact Information
Our School Council chair is Cees Artz and can be reached at
Our Trustee is Mark Mullan and can be reached at mark.mullan@ocsb.ca
Have a great week.
Don Murphy
Coming Up
Tuesday, May 31: St. Patrick's Intermediate School Council meeting, 7-9 p.m., Learning Commons Building 1