
Sunday, 22 February 2015

St. Patrick's Blog Week of February 23rd, 2015

St. Patrick's Blog
Week of February 23rd, 2015

We celebrated a beautiful Ash Wednesday observance this past week, acknowledging the beginning of our season of Lent.  Students and staff were challenged with the task of looking within to see what changes we need to make to improve relationships with our friends, families and wider community.  Peace on your journey.
Activity Day Reschedule
We were very disappointed having to cancel our activity day for the second week in a row.  Unfortunately the forecast for last Friday didn’t improve as the week unfolded, and despite waiting for a possible improvement at the last moment, there was no warm-up!  Given our schedule over the next week, we will be unable to reschedule the activity, and will have to wait until next winter to try again.  Staff will be processing refunds by Wednesday for students who had planned on the canal walk/hike.

Parent/Teacher Discussions
Thank you to all those in our St. Patrick’s School community who made it out for our parent-teacher discussions last week.  It is encouraging to see so many individuals invested in the success of our students.  We also appreciate those parents and guardians who purchased items from our Shamrock’s Fashion consignment store that evening.  We also had the opportunity to open our “Language Centre” where community facilitators (translators) are available for any parent or guardian to assist with the discussion time with teachers.  We also debuted our “Language Ambassadors” at our interviews, who are students representing 5 different languages, also available to assist with families.

“Women’s Day” Event
Attention Mothers:  Join us for  "Women’s Day, InspireEncourage...Engage!", to be held at the Albion-Heatherington Recreation Centre, 1560 Heatherington Road.  Come and learn about community resources and agencies which support families in your area.
Thursday, March 5, 2015 from 11:30 am – 2:00 pm.   
Free childcare on site and free lunch.  
RSVP: Euphrasie 613-737-5115 ext 2409

Grade 9 Parent Night
On February 25th from 6:30 to 7:30, parents and guardians of students in grade 8 are welcome to join the staff at St. Patrick’s High School for an informative session regarding what to expect as students transition to grade 9.  Students have been given a great deal of information regarding course selection and what to expect at the high school, however, this is an opportunity for parents to ask questions.  Hope to see many of you there!

Coming up . . .
March 3rd @ 7:00 pm - School Council meeting at St. Patrick’s Intermediate

Have a great week;
Sean Kelly

Friday, 20 February 2015

St. Patrick's Activity day cancelled today

Unfortunately we have had to cancel our activity day for today given the fact that the forecast has not improved.  We have reverted to a regular schedule for students and staff.

Monday, 16 February 2015

St. Patrick's Blog Week of February 17th, 2015

St. Patrick's Blog
Week of February 17th, 2015

This week marks the beginning of the Catholic liturgical season of Lent.  Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which is recognized as a day of fast and abstinence.  This means we are to approch the day with reverence by fasting from larger meals and abstaining from treats and "extras".  Our personal preparation for Ash Wednesday should be a larger preparation for the 40 days of Lent, which should be marked by personal prayer and reflection on how we can improve our relationships with others.  As we complete our academic term one and begin setting goals for work in term two, Lent reminds us that we should be setting spiritual goals as well.  This is a practice shared by many religious traditions and is recognized by multiple faiths.  We will continue this discussion with our students and staff throughout this important liturgical season.
Activity Day Reschedule
Due to the extremely cold weather last Friday we postponed our Winter Activity Day until this Friday, February 20th.  All other details of the excursion have remained the same – students will travel to the canal (skate or hike) or take part in activities here at the school.  We are keeping our transportation lists and organization the same from last week, therefore we are not inviting any changes to student choice at this point.  This Friday will be a dress down day, and we would ask you to encourage your son/daughter to dress warmly for our activities.  If you have any questions, please contact the school.

Parent/Teacher Discussions - Thursday, February 19th
Our Parent/Teacher discussion evening will take place this Thursday, February 19th from 2:00 to 4:00 and again from 5:00 to 7:30.  We invite you to fill out your son/daughter's interview form to schedule a 10 minute meeting with teachers.  This sheet needs to be returned to classroom teachers so that they may finalize their schedule with parents.  Families will also have the opportunity to access community facilitators (translators) for assistance in Arabic, French, Spanish and Tagalog discussions.  We are also thankful to our group of  Student Language Ambassadors who will be providing translation assistance as well.  Please see our "Language Centre" to access information and support.
Our School Council will also be available to answer questions and provide information on the business of the council at the interviews.  They will have a table set up with refreshments.

Ash Wednesday
We will observe Ash Wednesday with an afternoon liturgy on February 18th.  We will reflect on the meaning of Lent, and invite students and staff to be marked by ashes that represent our mortality and are an outward sign of our need for forgiveness.  The staff member distributing the ashes will say "Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel".  Because the administration of ashes is sacramental and not a sacrament, all individuals, regardless of their faith may receive a marking.  Students who would rather not receive ashes will be encouraged to come forward for a blessing.  

Schedules this Week
There are a number of activities taking place this week.  Our Grade 8 girls receive their HPV vaccines on Tuesday, while all of our grade 7 students receive their inoculations on Wednesday.  Our Grade 8 students also have the opportunity to have their “milestone” pictures taken this week with a photographer (information went home in a letter regarding this last week).  

Have a great week;
Sean Kelly

Thursday, 12 February 2015

St. Patrick's Intermediate Winter Activity Day Postponed

        Given the forecast of some extremely cold weather this Friday we are postponing our Winter Activity Day until next week.  Our new date will be Friday, February 20th, however, all other details of the excursion will remain the same – students will either travel to the canal (skate or hike) or take part in activities here at the school.  If students had decided to travel to the canal for our skate or hike (and have paid the transportation fee), I would ask you to sign the bottom of the sheet that your student has brought home as an indication that you are aware of the new field trip date.  All other medical and permission information has been kept on file.  We will need this sheet returned to the school to retain your son/daughter’s place on a bus for that day.
        We had also originally decided to allow students to dress down this Friday so that they could bundle up for the cold.  Our dress down day will now be on the new trip date, Friday, February 20th, while tomorrow will be a regular school uniform day.
        If you have any questions, please contact the school.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Parent Session Opportunities at our Catholic Schools

Learning French at OCSB: NDHS
Tuesday, February 17th  6:45 - 8:45 pm.
Notre Dame Catholic High School, 710 Broadview Avenue

What French program is best for your child? Learn more about the OCSB approach to learning French so parents can make informed decisions regarding the best French options for your child.
Link to poster with registration info:

Open Doors: Learning and Earning in the 21st Century: All Saints HS
Tuesday, February 24th, 6:30 - 9:00 PM; All Saints Catholic High School, 5115 Kanata Ave, Kanata

Open Doors: Learning and Earning in the 21st Century is an evening for parents and students to learn more about where the jobs will be once they graduate and what they can do to increase their chances of employability.  Ingrid Argyle from Labour Market Ottawa, along with employers from four sectors, will focus on Labour Market Trends and the implications for high school graduates.  This is a free event open to parents and their children.  Careers and opportunities will look very different for our children...come learn more about this!

 Kids and Drugs: MTHS
The Ottawa Police Service, CSPA and Mother Teresa High School present "Kids and Drugs: A Parent's Guide to Prevention" on Monday, March 2nd
7:00 - 8:30 PM at Mother Teresa High School 440 Longfields Drive, Barrhaven.
This presentation for parents and community members, strives to improve interactions between kids & parents through improved communication and will raise awareness on drug trends in Ottawa.  Note: This seminar will also be offered at Sacred Heart HS onMarch 10th and at St. Patrick's Intermediate on April 21st.
Register now:

EQAO FORUM: For parents and educators
The EQAO School Support and Outreach Team will provide a regional parent forum in Ottawa.  Saturday, March 7th   9:15 a.m.–2:00 p.m.;Southway Inn, 2431 Bank Street, Ottawa.  The forum is composed of two sessions with breakfast and lunch provided.

  • Understanding EQAO Assessments
  • "Parents as Partners in Teaching Mathematics" with Dr. Lynda Colgan, author and renowned educator from Queen’s University.
To register:  Email  Provide: First & last name, e-mail address and school & school board.  Register by February 20, 2015

Restorative Practices: MTHS
Mother Teresa High School & CSPA present Restorative Practices on Monday, March 9, 2015, 6:30 - 8:30pm at Mother Teresa High School 440 Longfields Drive, Barrhaven
Restorative Practices is a proactive approach to building a positive school environment. It provides staff, students and parents with tools to help improve behaviour and relationships in a positive way.
Come learn more about how this approach is being used at school and how parents and families can use these tools at home.

Link to poster with registration:

Kids and Drugs: Sacred Heart HS
The Ottawa Police Service, CSPA and Sacred Heart High School present "Kids and Drugs: A Parent's Guide to Prevention" on Tuesday, March 10th, 7:00 - 8:30 PM.  This presentation for parents and community members, strives to improve interactions between kids & parents through improved communication and will raise awareness on drug trends in Ottawa.  
Note: This seminar will also be offered at Mother Teresa HS on March 2nd and at St. Patrick's Intermediate on April 21st.
Register now:

Supporting Your Anxious Child: Saint Francis of Assisi School
CSPA and Saint Francis of Assisi School present, "Supporting Your Anxious Child", Thursday, March 5th, 7:00 - 8:45 pm at Saint Francis of Assisi School, 795 Watters Road, Orleans

Learn how anxiety manifests itself in young children. Discover strategies to help children learn positive thinking habits and coping skills. 
Facilitator: Joanne Boyd 

Register Now:

Saturday, 7 February 2015

School Day Timing and Walk Zone review at St. Patrick's

Following a city-wide review of school start times and walking zones, St. Patrick's school time will not be changed for next year.  There will be, however, some changes next year to the zone within which students are expected to walk to school.  Please review the accompanying document for additional information.

School Walk Zone Review

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Nominate Your Favorite Teacher for a Capital Educators’ Award!

Nominate Your Favorite Teacher for a Capital Educators’ Award!

Teachers play a critical role in our children’s lives, and yet, we rarely get the chance to let them know just how much we appreciate them. You now have a chance to show your gratitude and make a teachers day (or year!) by nominating them for a 2015 Capital Educators’ Award.  The Ottawa Network for Education will recognize the achievements of outstanding educators and celebrate public education at the 14th annual Capital Educators’ Awards on May 21, 2015.  Award recipients are announced at the gala dinner aptly called EduGala.  All educators who have classroom teaching responsibilities at one of the 10 partner institutions in Ottawa are eligible to be nominated.  Anyone can submit a nomination form!

To nominate your favorite educator today visit! Nominations close February 27th.

St. Patrick's Intermediate's Ms. Joan Sweeney was not only a nominee, but a winner of the award last year!



Wednesday, 4 February 2015

School Council Meeting Update February 3rd, 2015

School Council Meeting Update February 3rd, 2015
Our School Council met last night and reviewed a number of school activities and provided the following updates:

School Cash Online
St. Patrick’s Intermediate is currently working through a process whereby school excursions and fee collections will be offered for completion online.  We are currently tailoring the approach to our school and community, and will provide additional information once we have set up the system.

Social Media Use by Students
We spent some time at our council meeting speaking about the proactive steps our students and staff  take around the encouragement of appropriate social media use.  The highlights included our Digital Samaritans program, which integrates engaging online learning with appropriate choices on the internet.  We also discussed the Gospel Value media presentations that each of our homebases create to encourage respect, honesty and integrity among our community.   

Student Mental Health
Over the past few months, members of our staff as well as a large group of students, have been working on a presentation on the topic of Mental Wellness.  The video highlights a number of statistics related to mental health, as well as a positive message of hope.
You may view the video here:

Catholic School Parent Association Updates
from: January, 28th, 2015

Main Topic : ​Safe Schools

● Peter Atkinson (Superintendent) began the evening going over the events of October 22, 2014. He started to describe in detail the actions in which the school board took: At 10:25 that morning, Peter received a text from the police with an advisory of the events that were enfolding downtown and recommended that all schools be placed in some sort of lock down. Our schools were placed in " Secure Schools"

Things we should know :
● The boards number one priority is our children's safety at all times
● Both students and staff are trained on all stages of lockdown procedures
● During these procedures cell phones will be turned off if police require it also, police will indicate if kids can text parents to let them know they are ok
● In case of emergency, ensure schools have all forms of contact information so that they or your children can contact you if possible

Next CSPA meeting and Topic:

Wednesday, February,26th,2015. 7:30 pm

Sunday, 1 February 2015

St. Patrick's Blog - Week of February 2nd, 2015

St. Patrick's Blog
Week of February 2nd, 2015

While the weather continues to challenge our patience in these cold dark days, St. Patrick’s is rolling along with activities for students, and invitations to our community to join us for upcoming events.

School Council Meeting
We invite all of our parent and guardian community to join us for our next School Council meeting this Tuesday, February 3rd (7:00 pm in our learning commons space).  We will be discussing school budget, our mental health approach with students, and our welcoming steps for newly arriving students.  Our meetings focus on information and communication with our parents, and we welcome you to join us and bring along any questions you might have.

Lockdown Drill
This past week we practiced our safe schools lockdown procedures in cooperation with members of the Ottawa Police.  Three constables joined us, including our School Resource Officer Const. Mark Leroux who organized the drill, and spoke with some groups of students afterwards to ensure they understood the procedure.  Our police officers commended the reactions of both students and staff and recognized our efforts as highly effective.  Our board mandates that schools practice the lockdown procedure twice a year, in addition to regular fire drills, so we will be following up again later in the spring.

Christmas Mass
While the Christmas season is well behind us at this point, a number of issues delayed our celebration of the birth of Christ through a mass until this week.  This provided Father Greg an opportunity to remind us that celebrating Jesus’ birth is a reflective opportunity that we must consider year round.  The mass did give us a chance to sing Christmas carols one more time before retiring them until next year!  Students were encouraged to celebrate this spiritual break from our regular academic program as a great opportunity that we have at our Catholic school.  And while not all of us worship in the same way, Mass is a chance to reflect upon the importance of our faiths and their place in our personal growth.

Winter Activity Day
The staff at St. Pat’s are organizing a winter activity day to take place on the afternoon of February 13th.  Following a regular academic program in the morning, students will have an opportunity to skate or hike on the Rideau Canal, or remain at the school for winter activities organized outdoors.  If students are choosing to skate that afternoon, as a safety measure we are insisting that they wear helmets.  If choosing to hike on the canal, students should dress warmly, however, they do not need any protective gear.  More information will be coming home on a permission form next week.

Term One Report Cards and Parent/Teacher Discussions
A reminder that Term One report cards will be distributed on February 12th.  Parents and guardians will then have an opportunity to meet with teachers on the evening of February 19th.  Please ensure that you complete the interview form that comes home with your child’s report card so teachers are aware of your scheduled meeting time.  We will also have members of St. Patrick’s School Council present to answer questions that evening and a display from our Shamrock Fashions clothing consignment store.

Have a great week;
Sean Kelly