
Sunday, 14 December 2014

St. Patrick's Blog Week of December 15th, 2014

St. Patrick's Blog
Week of December 15th, 2014

Merry Christmas!
I would like to take this opportunity to extend a very Merry Christmas and a special holiday season to all of our St. Patrick’s families.  As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we also recognize the additional celebrations of the many faiths that make up our school family.  At this special time of year, we acknowledge the hard work of our students and staff in bringing a comfortable Christmas to many in our community who might otherwise go without.  Our support of the Christmas Hamper program is a practical reminder of the meaning of Advent and Christmas themes.  I hope that each one of you is able to find time to relax and renew yourself during the holidays.
School Council Meeting
The St. Patrick’s School Council met on Tuesday, December 2nd.  We encourage you to visit the school website ( and click on the “Catholic School Council” tab for additional information, meeting minutes, and upcoming meetings.

St. Patrick’s Intermediate presents The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!
Last week, our students and staff were treated to our school’s production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.  Our theatre was the scene for this thoughtfully funny, yet poignant portrayal of the important message of the Christmas season.  The actors were extremely well prepared, and our background crew supported the presentation beautifully.  Special thanks to Mr. Leury, Ms. Clarke and Ms. Rupert for their assistance and organization with the play.  


Shamrock Fashions Store
A group of students and staff have collaborated on an entrepreneurial initiative called “Shamrock Fashions” that has donated clothing and other items available for sale at the school.  The involved students began with a survey of all individuals at St. Pat’s, and a posting of job opportunities supporting the store.  Our grand opening was this past Thursday and there was a great deal of support among the school as the store made some good coin!  Students (and their families) are welcome to visit the store at lunch for deals.  Please check with the school or your son/daughter about opening times.  

School Dance and Movie
St. Pat’s celebrated some hard work so far this term, as well as our strong contributions to our Christmas Hampers with a dance and movie last week.  After a morning of regular academic programming, the students chose a dance or movie to finish off the week.  We celebrated some flash mobbing and dance off’s among the students, while several were sporting their “ugly Christmas Sweaters”!  Thank you to Mr. Kozak and his youth group workers who organized the dance and supervised the snack bar.


Have a great Christmas;
Sean Kelly

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Week of December 1st, 2014

St. Patrick's Blog
Week of December 1st, 2014

Bullying Awareness Week
Between November 17th and 20th we observed Bullying Awareness Week at St. Patrick’s.  This is a national initiative around which we were able to integrate our own activities.  Throughout the week we shared prayers about strengthening our community and being kind to one another.  Students were encouraged to share their space at lunch with students they might not have met yet, and we had a “photo booth” set up to capture friendly moments.  While these activities take place over the week, the staff at St. Patrick’s is always open to discussions around ensuring that our students are comfortable at school.  Please see an administrator or visit our student services department if you would like to chat about anything.

Ottawa Catholic School Board - Christian Community Day
On November 21st, our school board hosted our annual Christian Community Day.  This is an opportunity for all board staff to participate in spiritual theme discussions and take part in a full board mass.  Our speaker this year was Sister Helen Prejean, whose work with individuals on death row in the United States was portrayed in the movie Dead Man Walking.  Sister Helen spoke of redemption and aptly illustrated our board theme: Restore one another in a spirit of gentleness.

Eric Walters Visit

Young adult author Eric Walters, writer of novels such as Trapped in Ice, War of the Eagles and War of the Eagles, will be visiting St. Patrick’s on Monday, December 1st.  All of our grade 7’s will have the opportunity to hear Eric read, as well as share some of this current works.

School Courtyard make over
New signage on Building 2
The Ottawa Catholic School Board has approved a number of financial supports for St. Patrick’s to be put in place shortly.  This has included new signage on our building 2, updates to our school stairwells, and, most excitingly, a makeover for our courtyard.  Our student eco team, lead by Mrs. Rupert, is to be commended for the creation of a video presentation to the board that outlined our vision for the outdoor space.

School Council Meeting
A reminder that the St. Patrick’s School Council will meet this Tuesday, December 2nd at 7:00 in our Learning Commons area.  We look forward to meeting more of our parent and guardian community.

Have a great week;
Sean Kelly

Sunday, 16 November 2014

St. Patrick's Blog Week of November 17th, 2014

St. Patrick's Blog
Week of November 17th, 2014

Bullying Awareness Week
This is Bullying Awareness Week across the country in Canada.  While we are constantly engaged in practices that promote well being among our students, this week provides us with an opportunity to emphasize the importance of being good to one another.  Our activities this week include prayers around the topic, a photo booth and pledge around anti-bullying practices, a sharing circle with our high school students, and encouraging students to reach out to someone “new” at lunchtime.  Students are regularly reminded that it is our expectation that they are happy and comfortable at St. Patrick’s, and if, for some reason, this is not the case, they need to seek out a staff member.

Professional Development Day - November 21st
A reminder to our school community that this Friday, November 21st is Christian Community Day for staff and a pd day for students.  

Remembrance Day Observation
We have a great deal to be proud of following our Remembrance Day Observation this past week at school.  We took the time to pray as a school, while we honoured those who had made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives for others.  We thank Lieutenant-Commander Ahmed Abderrahmani for joining us from the Canadian Armed Forces as he participated in our ceremony and spoke to the students about his role.  He was very impressed with our presentation, and asked me to thank our students for their participation and their respect demonstrated throughout.  


English Diagnostic Test
All of our grade 8 students completed an English Language diagnostic test this past Thursday.  It is an opportunity for us to assess where our students currently are academically, and allows us to focus instruction over the next several months.  In grade 10, all students complete the Ontario Literacy Test which is an evaluation of students’ literacy skills and a graduation requirement.  We are already looking ahead to that test, providing students with instruction that reinforces the skills required to meet the Ministry standard.  

Working Visit to Shepherds of Good Hope
A number of our students, accompanied by Mr. Kozak and Ms. Foley, one of our office administrators, visited the Shepherds of Good Hope this past Friday.  Students began the morning by making dozens of sandwiches for the clients at Shepherds, and then participated in the food preparation on site.  The feedback from our grade 7 and 8’s was great as they indicated they arrived back at the school with a more fundamental respect for those who may be less fortunate.  Appreciation to all involved, and a special thank you to Mr. Kozak and Ms. Foley for leading the group.


Display areas at St. Patrick’s Intermediate
We are updating a number of our display areas at St. Patrick’s Intermediate.  Students, staff and visitors to our school will find the following on the main level at the school:

We remember
An area of the school where we are able to honour family members (students and staff) who have passed away.  Parents/Guardians are welcome to get in touch with the school if they would like to provide a picture and/or short description of the life of a relative who has died.

St. Patrick’s Intermediate Wall of Fame
This is an area where we highlight some of the individuals who have passed through our hallways as students who have gone on to do some special things both academically and athletically.  Check out some of these stories the next time you are in the school.

Student Goal Setting Information
Organized by our Student Services department, this area provides some support for students as they review their goal setting strategies and use MyBlueprint to ready themselves for high school.

Team Wall of Fame - Phys Ed Area
Here we have highlighted many of our championship teams over the years.  Check out our pictures to see if you can see any older brothers, sisters or friends!

Fish Study Area: We will soon have a working fish aquarium in one of our display areas where students can review the habitat and behaviour of various fish species.  

Have a great week;
Sean Kelly

Sunday, 9 November 2014

St. Patrick's Blog Week of November 10th, 2014

St. Patrick's Blog
Week of November 10th, 2014

Parent - Teacher Discussions
Thank you to all of our parents and guardians who visited with us during our parent-teacher interviews this past week.  This evening provides us with a great opportunity to share what is happening in the classroom while providing specifics regarding next steps for our students.  In our blog last week we highlighted some of the after school programs that are in place to provide additional support to students who are experiencing some challenges.  Following parent-teacher discussions, if you feel you would like your son/daughter to participate in an after school program, please contact the school.  

Jason Evert - Chastity Presentation
Last Friday, Jason Evert presented to our grade 7&8 students on the topic of teenage relationships, dating, and the concept of chastity.  Jason’s talk is an upbeat and engaging discussion around these topics that directly reflects the Religion curriculum in our Catholic schools.  Jason’s talk was organized by our school board and he was able to visit with two of our grade 7&8 schools last week.  At the end of Jason’s discussion, our school administration encouraged any students who still had questions, or who wanted to speak further about these issues to talk to a parent, teacher, or our student services department.  Any parents or guardians who have further questions can contact the school.

Have a great week;

Sean Kelly

Sunday, 2 November 2014

St. Patrick's Blog Week of November 3rd, 2014

St. Patrick's Blog
Week of November 3rd, 2014

Finding Your Pathway Career Forum
All of our grade 8 students visited the “Finding Your Pathway” Career- Life Forum on Tuesday, October 28, and took in a wide variety of interactive displays from all of our high schools and many community exhibitors. Our students had a great time touring around displays on specific careers, secondary school options, and possibilities in the world of work.  Grade 8’s completed an interview sheet, and are to document their information in We would encourage our parents and guardians to support this “Creating Pathways to Success” inquiry, by creating discussions around some of the questions posed at the forum: What are my opportunities? Who do I want to become? What is my plan for achieving my goals?

Progress Report Cards / Parent-Teacher Interviews
Progress report cards for grades 7&8 students went home on October 30th of last week.  Currently, teachers are scheduling appointments for parent-teacher interviews which will take place on Thursday, November 6th, from 2:00 to 4:00 and 5:00 to 7:30.  Please review the report card with your son/daughter, and fill out the interview form that came home with them and return to the school.  If you need the support of a Community Facilitator (translator) for your discussion with your child’s teacher, please contact the school.  We are looking forward to seeing many of our parent community at the school this Thursday.

After School Academic Support
As part of our Student Success plan at St. Patrick’s we are offering a number of options for after-school support.  These programs range from informal homework assistance to a credit course for some students.  Parents/guardians may have already been contacted about their son/daughter participating in an after school course.  If you have any questions, please contact the school.  Some upcoming after school support:

Literacy/Numeracy Program: Some students requiring additional support in literacy and mathematics skills have been recommended for our Literacy/Numeracy course, running Tuesdays and Thursdays after school beginning this month.  When recommending individuals, we take data from our recent progress reports, our Ontario Numeracy Assessment Package, as well as teacher recommendations.

GLS course (Skills for Success in Secondary School): Beginning this year, we are offering a high school credit course for any of our English Language Learners at St. Patrick’s Intermediate.  This is an initiative that originated from many of the technological tools we were employing to assist students with English Language acquisition.  Individuals in this course (running Tuesdays and Thursdays) will be supported in their language development while strengthening their approach as successful students.

Homework Club: Running Mondays and Wednesdays, Homework Club is an opportunity for students to work on regular classroom assignments while getting assistance from teachers at St. Patrick’s.  All subject areas and questions are welcomed!

School Council Meeting
A reminder that the St. Patrick’s School Council will meet this Tuesday, November 4th at 7:00 in our Learning Commons area.  We look forward to meeting more of our parent and guardian community.

Have a great week;

Sean Kelly

Sunday, 26 October 2014

St. Patrick's Blog Week of October 27th, 2014

St. Patrick's Blog
Week of October 27th, 2014

Secure School Situation
Our St. Patrick’s School Community was as shocked and concerned as the rest of our nation following the tragic incident in our downtown core this past week.  Students and staff responded extremely well to our Secure School Emergency situation that was put into place as soon as our Board and the Ottawa Police indicated their concern.  While the threat did not come directly to our community, we all experienced the sorrow following the killing of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo.  On Thursday of last week, we prayed for Cpl. Cirillo, the other individuals who were hurt, as well as the young man who made this very tragic mistake.  We will continue to deal with events such as this through the lens of our Catholic faith and strong cultural foundation at St. Patrick’s.
In a stark contrast to this tragedy, our nation welcomed one of its newest members this past week as we celebrated the new Canadian citizenship ceremony of one of our grade 7 students in Ms. Clarke’s class.  We have also been blessed with 4 new students in the past week, and this allows us to practice our welcoming spirit.  We continue to find positive moments of promise among some of the more difficult challenges of our national identity.

Progress Report Cards
Student progress reports will go home this Thursday, October 30th.  These report cards provide an indication of how students are progressing in each of their subject areas.  In most cases, there is an indication that students are progressing well, or very well.  In cases where students are progressing with difficulty, teachers have indicated a next-step for success.  At the school we meet as an administrative and student services team to review any students that are having some difficulty.  In addition to our regular homework club during the week, we will be beginning some after school literacy and math courses to support students with their progress.  Letters will be going home shortly to encourage student participation.

Halloween Activities

Students will have the opportunity to dress up in costume (or orange and black clothing) this coming Friday, October 31st.  Homebases are working on decorating pumpkins, and students who are voted “best costume” in their period 1 classes will compete in a “Halloween Fashion Show” on Friday to determine best costume at grade 7 and 8.  

Photo Retake Day
Picture retakes for students who missed their first opportunity or who would like a second sitting will occur this Wednesday afternoon.  Contact the school if you have any questions.

Coming Up
Tuesday, November 4th: School Council meeting

Have a great week;
Sean Kelly

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Pediculosis - Head Lice Information

When there has been a report of pediculosis (head lice) possible at the school, we are required to share with our community.  Please see the following link regarding information to parents.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Message from the Ottawa Catholic School Board regarding incident in Ottawa

October 22, 2014
Dear Parent/Guardian:

This morning, following information received from Ottawa Police Service regarding an incident in the downtown area, all Ottawa Catholic schools were placed in Secure Schools mode.

Secure Schools mode means students remained in classrooms with doors locked. However, normal instruction continued in all classes.

When an update was received from Ottawa Police Service later in the morning, all schools were released from Secure Schools mode with the exception of schools near the perimeter of the incident (mainly schools in the Immaculata family).

In consultation with Ottawa Police Service, it was determined that a regular dismissal of students would occur at the end of the day for all schools. Please note that special arrangements were made with our bus operator to notify all schools once the bus runs had been completed. In addition, schools were notified that some parents themselves were in lockdown, and to take the necessary precautions to ensure all students arrived home safely.

Staff and students in all of our schools practice Secure Schools procedures each year and we are confident that these procedures were effectively followed today.

Should you require any further information, please contact St. Patrick's.

It’s been a difficult day for the entire city of Ottawa, and we certainly appreciate everyone’s cooperation in dealing with this emergency. We would ask that you keep the victims and their families in your prayers and we will be doing likewise.

Julian Hanlon, Director of Education, Ottawa Catholic School Board

Secure Schools Situation at St. Patrick's Intermediate School

At approximately 10:40 am this morning, St. Patrick's Intermediate School was placed in "secure school" on direction from the Ottawa Catholic School Board and Ottawa Police.  This situation arose following a developing incident in downtown Ottawa.  At approximately 11:15, the "secure school" emergency procedure was called off.
During a "secure school" situation, students and staff continue with the academic program, however, students do not leave the classroom.

Monday, 20 October 2014

67's Game day for St. Patrick's students and staff!

On Monday November 24th 2014, St. Patrick's Intermediate School will be participating in The 6th Annual Ottawa 67s School Day Game. The hockey game is from 10:30 am to 1:15 pm at the Canadian Tire Center in Kanata. Participating students will be leaving school at 9:00 am and are scheduled to leave Canadian Tire Centre at approximately 1:15 pm. The purpose of the day is to promote spirit and community among our teachers and students. The cost of the trip is $10.00 per student which covers the cost of the ticket and transportation. Students may bring their own snacks and/or lunch or money should they wish to use the canteens that will be open during the event. Students are expected to wear proper school uniform on this date.

In order to participate on this day, students must bring the signed permission form (handed out at school), along with $10.00, to their Homebase teacher during one of the three collection days. (October 23rd, 24th and 25th )There will be regularly scheduled classes at St. Patrick’s on November 24th for students who choose not to participate in the activity.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Order Student Pictures

We would encourage all families to order student pictures by Monday, October 20th.  You can send your order form in to your child's homebase teacher before that date.

Monday, 13 October 2014

St. Patrick's Blog Week of October 14th, 2014

St. Patrick's Blog
Week of October 14th, 2014

Terry Fox Run
Our student community did a fantastic job fundraising for the Terry Fox Foundation as we exceeded our goal of $4000.  Students and staff raised a total closer to $5300 to help support the foundation as they continue their work to support cancer research.  Students were supported by family and friends, and many from our youth group put on a bake sale to help with the fundraising.  Our Run day culminated with a high energy assembly that saw each of our homebases decked out in their Catholic Value T-shirts.  Our top-fundraising students took turns throwing pies at our staff members.  Mr. Kelly also received a head shave at the assembly!  Thanks to all those who helped organize and support the Terry Fox Foundation.



Eva Olsson - Holocaust Survivor
This past Wednesday, we had the absolute pleasure to spend some time with Dr. Eva Olsson, who recounted her time in a concentration camp.  Dr. Olsson’s talk focused on appropriate relationships among individuals with an end to bullying.  We purchased some of Ms. Olsson’s resources and have catalogued them in our Learning Commons.  Students and families are encouraged to take out a book or DVD that chronicles this amazing individual’s life.

Meet our New St. Patrick’s School Council
On October 8th we had our first School Council meeting of the year.  We had a large group of parents come out and we have a few new faces around the council table.  Thank you to the following individuals who have agreed to take a role on the council:
Cees Artz - Chairperson
Sherisse Alsabeh - Vice-Chair
Dayna Helmer - Secretary
David Korpi - Treasurer
Usa Wilson - Community Representative
Ana Barrett - Parent Representative
We are looking forward to working together for a successful year supporting student interests.  Please contact the school if you have any questions for the council.

This Week
Tuesday, October 14th: Ottawa Police Guns and Gangs presentation
Wednesday, October 15th: Family of Schools Principals’ meeting

Have a great week;
Sean Kelly